Work With a Dependable Granite Contractor in Augusta, GA

Don’t hesitate to equip your property with stunning granite countertops that will last a lifetime! Turn to Olympus Granite LLC and let a qualified and experienced granite contractor fabricate and install a remarkable countertop you can take pride in! Our company is always glad to work with commercial and residential clients in Augusta, GA and ready to take on projects of any complexity!

Take a Look at Our Services

Granite Contractor

Granite Contractor
We specialize in providing comprehensive granite services and the entire process - from concept to completion, happens with the same dependable crew! Take advantage of our quality granite, quartz, and marble sales, and enjoy browsing until you choose the right material for your project!

Template Design

Template Design
Once you decide to have a countertop fabricated by us, we begin by making a template. Our skilled technician will visit your property to take exact measurements for your new countertops. The template is drawn using precise measurements and following our clients’ preferred design.

Granite Fabrication

Granite Fabrication
Once the template for your new countertop gets to our shop, we can begin the fabrication process. Our shop is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and tools specialized for this process. We use top-quality materials that our clients chose for their new countertops.

Granite Installation

Granite Installation
We make sure that all new countertops are finished within a reasonable time frame. Once the final touches are made, we can schedule an installation appointment. Our experts will be punctual and install the countertops safely and diligently in their designated spots.

Granite Countertops

Granite Countertops
Granite is one of the most durable and low-maintenance countertop materials out there. We also work with marble and quartz! Clients will be given a choice of a wide selection of granite slabs. With quality materials and time-tested techniques, we fabricate and install amazing countertops.

Granite Is a Good Investment

There’s no doubt that granite is one of the most durable, reliable, and visually appealing materials to use for home or commercial countertops! To get top-quality results tailored to your needs, work directly with a qualified granite fabricator like us! Here at Olympus Granite LLC, we truly enjoy working on new projects, collaborating with our clients, and creating some of the finest countertops available on the market. We find that custom-tailoring our work to match our clients’ vision is the best way to achieve exceptional results and customer satisfaction.

Our Working Process

We value our clients’ trust and respect their time. That’s why fabrication work is handled in reasonable time frames and we’re punctual for every granite countertop installation. We take pride in working with top-quality materials and make sure that each member of our team is properly trained to maintain our company’s high standards. We guarantee an end product that our clients can be happy with and make great use of for a lifetime.

Book an appointment with a dependable granite countertop company by reaching out to Olympus Granite LLC directly. We are truly committed to providing all our valued clients in Augusta, GA with excellent services and top-quality products. Contact us today!

Client’s Testimonial

by Paul Loy on Olympus Granite LLC
Incredible quality!

I'm so glad I chose this amazing granite countertop company! They were extremely accommodating and knowledgeable, which just made working with them easy and very pleasant. I absolutely love the countertops they made and installed in my kitchen. I recommend working with them wholeheartedly. 

Olympus Granite LLC
Address: 383 Tower Rd, Augusta, GA 30907
Phone: (706) 869-5753

  • Granite Contractor
  • Template Design
  • Granite Fabrication
  • Granite Installation
  • Granite Countertops

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